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Step 01

The Profit + Rate Toolkit for Design Professionals

Did you know that your fees can make or break your business? Learn how to accurately calculate your hourly rates, track your time, and ensure profitability in your design business.

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Do you undercharge?

Do you over estimate? Do you haphazardly set your fees?

If this sounds like you, keep reading.

I see many design professionals struggle to set their fees and the reason is simple:

They don't teach these things in design school, even though they're a crucial part of getting our work built in the world.

Your profitability.

It’s not the dirty word that some creatives make it out to be.

Learning to measure profitability in your business will help you to properly allocate time and learn which projects to say “no” to in the future.

Properly pricing your services will bring you better clients.

Clients who value the service you provide.

And we all want better clients, right?

So, charging what you’re worth will help your business grow, improve your confidence, and bring financial stability to your everyday life.

But, pricing your services as a design professional isn’t easy: the creative process is unpredictable, you manage consultants, clients, contractors, changing scope, and have to accurately capture the cost of doing business while making a profit.

To accurately price your design services you need to calculate your hourly rate.

And since many architects get stuck here, I’ve created a set of tools to help you earn what you’re worth.

The Profit + Rate Toolkit for Design Professionals

Choose the right pricing strategy for your design business and build-in profitability to every project.

"I want to express how much I appreciate your educational materials and course. Very excited about implementing the toolkit and happy to share my success with you as it comes. My latest is I just landed my first ground up waterfront home project in Maryland...very exciting!" - Will A.

Here's what's inside:

#1 Calculate your hourly rate

Inside you’ll learn two methods for setting a sensible hourly rate (one simple, one more complex). The more complex method will provide you with practical tools and insights to determine an appropriate hourly rate that not only covers your costs but also incorporates a desired profit margin.

This isn’t just theory. You get a fee calculator, a video lesson, and curated resources to help you get started.

#2 How to get paid

Once you set your fee, you also need a system for getting paid. And that starts with invoicing. Inside the toolkit you’ll learn more about creating invoices, what software I recommend using, and what to include.

You’ll also find an example invoice, a Project FeeTrack, and an Excel sheet you can use to track your progress and profitability as you send out your monthly invoices.

Plus the following resources:

The Profit + Hourly Spreadsheet

This is a foundational spreadsheet and exercise even if you choose not to bill hourly. No matter how you choose to bill for your services, you'll need to calculate your hourly rate. It will capture the cost to run your business (overhead, expenses, etc.) which sets your break-even rate and - as you'll learn - will also include a reasonable profit margin.

  • Setting-Hourly-Rates-Break-Even-Analysis (Excel sheet)
  • Break Even Analysis Terms Defined (PDF)
  • ProjectFeeTrack (Excel sheet)
  • Invoice template (PDF)
  • Side Hustle to Solopreneur Guide (PDF)

And a bonus lesson to help you transition from employee to solopreneur

In this last part of the toolkit, you’ll find an overview of the general steps you'll follow as you transition from a side hustle (or moonlighting) to spending all of your time working on your new business.

The Profit + Rate Toolkit for Design Professionals will help you gain control over your business.

Get your access today so you can accurately calculate your hourly rates, track your time, and ensure profitability, leading to a more sustainable and successful design business.

Get started now!

Join 3,000+ design professionals who overcame financial insecurity using this toolkit.

Here’s what they’re saying:

"I just went through your profitability course and am so grateful for the spreadsheet. Building my own office is somewhat like building the plane in the air, to a degree, and I wish I had this template many moons ago. Thanks SO much." - Stephanie M. Architect.

"I am an architect in Scotland and have set up my own practice earlier this year after many years working for others. I just wanted to say thank you for your templates and videos - these have been a great source of inspiration and practicality that have helped me make the jump." - Alastair F.

"I run a small architecture firm in Canada and have changed my career + firm's approach because of what I've learned using your toolkit and the A+E Course." - Lisa T.

"I'm transitioning out of the huge corporate world and into a smaller (and hopefully more sane) practice of my own and have found this to be helpful, interesting and inspirational." - Ben P.

"All of your content is shaping the way I practice, what a great investment this is. Keep making things, you are inspiring many people and I am one of them." - John A.

"Thank you so much Eric for giving value so generously." - Yianni T.

Stop guess-timating your fees.

Setting a profitable hourly rate is not just about covering your expenses; it's about valuing your time, expertise, and the unique value you bring to your clients and customers.

Most entrepreneurs think setting their fees isn’t difficult.

But, if you don’t have a process you can easily end up just like me…

Undercharging for my services for years (more about that later).

The trouble is there aren’t many resources available to help design professionals set up a profitable hourly rate, even though profitability and pricing are an essential part of running a sustainable business.

As you track your profitability over time, it will help you weed out inefficiencies, bottlenecks and unprofitable project types and/or services, as well as:

Maximize profitability & financial performance

Accurately pricing your design services ensures you’re adequately compensated for your time, expertise, and overhead expenses.

Enhance your professional reputation

When you price your services competitively and in alignment with the value you provide, you position yourself as a professional who takes their work seriously and delivers high-quality results.

Allocate your resources efficiently

By understanding the costs associated with different projects and pricing methods, you can make informed decisions about project scopes, time management, and resource allocation.

Get started today

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How many design professionals do you know that charge $40/hour?

Your Instructor

Eric Reinholdt, RA, NCARB
Eric Reinholdt, RA, NCARB

Hi, I'm Eric, an award-winning architect, entrepreneur and founder of 30X40 Design Workshop, a design studio located on Mount Desert Island, Maine. I'm also author of the Architect + Entrepreneur book series and creator of the most popular architecture-focused YouTube channel online. I've been designing simple, modern residential architecture for more than 28 years and a practitioner of all the novel, entrepreneurial business strategies I teach in my courses.

And that $40/hour professional used to be me, before I calculated my break even rate and profit margin and discovered that…

I had been grossly undercharging for my services.

For years.

Fortunately, you won’t have to repeat the same mistakes.

So, let’s sum it up.

For only $27, today you can get:

The Profit + Rate Toolkit for Design Professionals

Includes video lessons, spreadsheets, templates to help you figure out your fees without risking to undercharge your worth, as well as bonus training on transitioning from employee to entrepreneur.

Get access today to learn how to set up a profitable hourly rate that covers your expenses, and reflects the time and expertise you bring to the table.

Get started now!

“I’ll raise rates later, I really need this one job for my portfolio.”


“They’re going to be shocked if I tell them this is what I charge. I’ll just do it for less.”

What you charge for your services sets expectations for your client.

Higher fees command fewer, but better, clients.

On the other hand, when you charge too little, you attract clients who shop for design professionals based on price.

The client who hires you because you’re the least expensive is the same client who cuts corners and cheapens your design at every step.

But when you go through the process of calculating your hourly rate you can confidently defend it to those who ask.

And, for those who shop on price, you can tell them you’re not the cheapest option knowing that they’re not your ideal client.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the resource?
Lifetime access. After purchasing, you have unlimited access to this spreadsheet for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
How will I receive access?
As soon as you complete your order, you will be asked to create an account with Teachable. It’s where I host all my learning resources and it’s what will allow you a seamless experience as you navigate the different resources in this Toolkit.
How do you handle refunds?
I know you're going to find massive value in this resource, I've built my brand on offering quality resources. Since you'll have access to it immediately upon enrolling, it's my policy to not offer refunds. If you have any questions about what's included or if it's a good fit for you, please reach out to [email protected] before you purchase; I'll gladly answer your questions.
What formats are the files delivered in?
The spreadsheet is provided in .xlsx format. It is compatible with: - Microsoft Excel (desktop & online versions) - Google Sheets (upload to Google Drive for cloud-based use) - Apple Numbers (may require minor formatting adjustments) After purchase, you can download the file immediately and start using it in Excel or Google Sheets
Is this a course?
No, this is a spreadsheet-based system designed to help you set your billing rates for use internally and externally. It does include a video walkthrough showing you how to use it. It’s offered through my course platform for easy access and updates, and includes a tutorial to help you get started.

Start earning what you’re worth today

  • Price your services with confidence
  • Position yourself as a professional
  • Stop undercharging your services
  • Optimize your productivity

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